
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Wow - I can't believe it!

I couldn't believe when I got up yesterday morning and my FB Fan page had gone from 30 fans to 250+! That was the best surprise ever! So I decided that I wanted to do something for all of my new fans. So I whipped up the Environmental Print "I have... Who has?" game that I talked about earlier this week. I have posted it in my store for FREE!

My kiddos love these kinds of games! This one will be perfect for the first time we teach the game. I always want my students to feel successful and I think this will be a great way to do it. The children can help each other out or they can identify the logo by themselves.

If you aren't familiar with how to play, here are the directions:

Pass out the 24 cards to students. If you have extra cards you may need to give some students more than one card. Another option is to have teachers or any classroom helpers play along!

Have the students look at their cards. The card with the star in the corner is the first card. The child holding this card begins by reading their card, "I have ____. Who has ____?" Students will need to identify their logo/brand on their cards to know when it is their turn to read. The student that has the next card will read theirs, "I have ____. Who has ____?" The game continues until the last student reads their card, "I have ____. That is the end!"

This game keeps everyone paying attention and waiting for their turn! To make your cards last longer you may want to print them on card stock, laminate and then cut!

Click here to download!

I hope you enjoy them!


  1. Thanks! I hope that you and your students enjoy it! :)

  2. Hi Anna! I adore your blog name! I teach fifth grade, but I'm going to be sure to pass word about your blog to my K friends. I love the Environmental Print I Have, Who Has? game! I've also nominated you for the Liebster Award. Drop by my blog in the morning to read about the award!

    Life in Room 24

  3. Congrats on all of your followers!! I second Lori, but I can't wait to follow your blog :)

    PS - Congrats on your award nomination :) Just found your blog through it. Cute! I'm your newest follower.

    The Sweetest Thing
    Follow me on Bloglovin'!

  4. Anna,
    I, too, am your newest follower! :) THANK YOU for this great environmental print freebie. What a great idea! LOVE your blog. Congratulations on your nomination. I'd love you to stop over and follow me if you get a chance!
    Kindergarten: Holding Hands and Sticking Together

  5. WOW Congrats!! You so kindly nominated my little blog for the liebster award and I am working on that post!! But I was hoping you could help me with Facebook. I have a facebook site connected to my blog. But it is also connected to my personal page. I can't seem to figure out how to really interact with others using my "Coast to Coast Kinder" facebook page. I can post but that is about it....Did I set it up wrong? Do you know??? Can you help??? If you would rather email me I would appreciate any help!!
