I was doing some blog-stalking this afternoon and of course I always have to check out one of my favorites. Donna at Kinderglynn (Hi Donna!) provides great resources to her fellow teachers so I went on over to see what she has been up to lately. And what did I find? There is a HUGE giveaway going on. And it ends TONIGHT! One of the ways to win is to blog about the giveaway and since I am trying to be better about blogging... here I am!
I know that I don't have many followers, but I thought I would still share. Maybe there are people following me that I don't even know about! :) Wouldn't it be awesome if someone that I know won the prize?
Here's the info! The prize is a "Flash Drive FULL of Kickin' Kindergarten Resources!"

You can enter by clicking here!
Good luck to everyone!! :)